Why Choose Us?
Independent provider - we are a small business so we can prioritise providing quality of care, over quantity of care
Experienced and trained in supporting those with disabilities and participating in regular professional development in this area. ​
Mobile service - we conveniently come to you
Telehealth available Australia wide
We take the time to get to know you and your health needs
Our business is built on a great reputation
Friendly, curious and non-judgemental mindset
Communicate regularly with your multidisciplinary team including allied health professionals, GP, specialists (including paediatrician), family, support workers/carers and support coordinator.
Capacity for new participants now!
We have experience working with a wide range of medical conditions, disabilities and other impairments, including, but not limited to:
Bowel issues:
constipation/ diarrhoea
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)/FODMAPs)
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) (crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis)
Diverticulosis or diverticulitis
Coeliac Disease
Diabetes mellitus (type 2)
Chromosomal disabilities: Down Syndrome, Prader Willi syndrome, Rothmund Thomson Syndrome
Neurological/intellectual: Huntington’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, ASD, ADHD, ABI, Alzheimers, Lennox-Gastaut syndrome, Functional neurological disorder (FND), learning disabilities
Physical impairment: Amputation, paraplegia, quadriplegia
Neuromuscular disabilities: Cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy
Psychosocial disabilities: Schizophrenia, bipolar, anxiety, PTSD​
Enteral feeding, including oral supplements and tube feeding (NGT, PEG, PEJ, etc)
Gastro-oesophageal reflux (GORD)
General healthy eating and improving relationship with food
Geriatrics (aging population)
Heart health/Hypertension (high blood pressure)
Hyperlipidaemia or dyslipidaemia (high cholesterol)
Food intolerances (lactose intolerance)
Micronutrient deficiencies (e.g. anaemia, vit D, calcium etc)
Nutrition support (unintentional weight loss, malnutrition and oral nutrition supplement prescription)
Oncology support
Osteoporosis and osteopenia
Paediatrics (including selective eating, micronutrient deficiencies, poor growth and tube feeding)
Textured diet or thickened fluids (dysphagia)
Vegetarian/Vegan diet
Weight management and/or bariatric surgery
How can a Dietitian help me?
Help you make positive healthy eating behaviour changes
Improve relationship with food
Develop mealtime management plan alongside a speech pathologist
Prescribe and check my tube feeding plan
Choose my tube feeding consumables including feeds and equipment
Work with and train staff members or informal supports (such as family members) when required (e.g. for tube feeding training, diabetes management)
Teach you how to plan a menu, shop and budget for food
Alongside an occupational therapist (if required), teach you (and your support workers) how to prepare and cook healthy, therapeutically appropriate meals at home
Talk about and recommend food, drinks or supplements to improve nutrition and health
Recommend and advocate on your behalf for supports required for both physical and psychological disabilities
Assist you to access services that will improve you oral intake (e.g. meal delivery service, oral nutrition supplements, advocating for a support worker to help with cooking meals
Participate in case conferences with all key stakeholders to improve communication, overall team performance and provide a higher level of care​
What is an Accredited Practising Dietitian?
Accredited Practising Dietitians (APDs) are university-qualified nutrition professionals that help manage a range of health conditions using medical nutrition therapy. They understand how nutrition affects the body and will give you expert nutrition and dietary advice to help you achieve your health and wellbeing goals.
They continue to undertake regular nutrition training and education to make sure they are up-to-date with the latest evidence to help you sort fact from fiction. Dietitians are the only nutrition professionals recognised by the Australian Government and Medicare as they are your most credible source of nutrition information.